It all starts with a plan right? Actually, it all starts with a need – in this case the need is for service desks to start becoming marketers.
But we just fix things I hear (hopefully no-one) cry! Actually, you provide a service that keeps the business ticking and the money rolling in: the trouble is we’re either too shy or just not sure how to communicate this. We want to show the world how good we are but often this stays in the wish pile, whimpering away and yearning for a plan to enable these fledgling dreams to come true.
Well fear not. This month SDI offers you the meat and bones of a marketing plan that, if you heed its advice, will propel you to marketing stardom. Below are some selected titbits to tantalise those marketing taste buds.
What is a marketing plan?
A marketing plan contains a list of actions and activities and usually covers a rolling 12 month period. You might find that your organisation already has a marketing plan in place so it would be worth seeking out this document to see how your service desk can communicate the same messages and what type and style of marketing is currently undertaken.
What should it contain?
A marketing plan can be a very long document, or very short. Do not be too concerned about its length or depth of content. What you are aiming for is a clear and concise list of activities, dates and deadlines and how they will be executed.
Vision and mission
If you haven’t got a vision or mission statement for your service desk, then this must be the first step. Successful marketing plans need to tie in to overall business objectives, mission and vision statements.
What we do
Sounds simple but this can be a tough nut to crack, perhaps more so if you do not have a service catalogue or a clear and defined focus on what the service desk does and does not support. Have a long hard think about the services you offer, where you offer them, and what benefits they offer.
What metrics should we include?
There are, quite literally, hundreds of metrics out there for service desks to measure and report on. These can range from the number of incoming calls or contacts, to the cost per email and everything in between. Don’t get overwhelmed – focus on the business value.
What channels can we use?
A key component of a marketing plan is to consider which groups will be targeted, and what channels will be used. Part of the decision will be strategic and the other will be financial. Some promotional channels will be more expensive and time intensive than others. Whatever channel is decided on, it is vital to remember that there will need to be a demonstrable ROI to ensure that your marketing is fulfilling its agenda and core purpose.
Daniel Wood
Head of Research, SDI