December 5 2012 sees the first ever worldwide 24 hour IT Services Conference. As the most innovative and forward thinking industry membership body, SDI are so proud to be involved in presenting this, together with the leading industry thinker of the period, Chris Dancy.
Check out the format of the 24 hour, every timezone event – wow!
There are speakers from around the world who YOU have chosen….it’s not a case of SDI or Chris selecting sessions, you the audience have decided who you want to hear!
The event aims, of course, to be ground-breaking in every sense. The sessions will NOT be straight Service Desk or ITSM presentations, but will push the boundaries and make you THINK! We all need some mind food to stimulate our grey matter so we can work on the future shape of our careers, how our organisations could work better and our people perform to the best of their ability. THIS event will provide you with that.
Already Rob England is talking about ‘standard+case’ and Karen Ferris about ‘balanced diversity’, and there are further speakers from every corner of the globe set to deliver sessions to stretch your thinking.
I’m used to chairing and speaking at events, but it’s rare that I get REALLY excited about them. THIS is different. I’m excited, looking forward to listening to some genuinely well thought out and different sessions that will make even an old cynic like me think!
Tuning into this event is easy you can Register, you can watch your chosen sessions live on YouTube and you can register your kindle or evernote email address to get the presentations of your choice pushed to your very own knowledge locker.
Make sure you don’t miss it!
Howard Kendall
Founder, Service Desk Institute