According to the ancient Mayan calendar, the world ended on 21st December……but as I’m still here writing this I guess they goofed with their prediction!
Just as well really (I’m not ready to end it all just yet!) because I predict that 2013 is going to be a brilliant year for all those working in customer service and service management roles. Why?
Well, 2012 marked a change in mindset; a new set of stimuli, people accepting that service in all its guises is actually a differentiator that makes a real change to the way customers feel about your products or services.
So what’s been special about 2012 and what role has SDI played in it? Well, it would be rude of me not to do a quick review of 2012 as we move swiftly along in 2013. Here goes:
- The big Cs – customers, communication, connection, collaboration, community, creativity, consistency and cloud. All have been used in our sector to help focus attention on the big issues of our world today. The speed of travel will increase, the rate of change accelerate, the response and reaction need zip up. But, if you use those 8 Cs well then you’ll be right up with the pace. Watch for more on those in 2013.
- Standards and Frameworks – whether you are a tech support person or a pure service bod, there’s been a ton of debate and development in method, best practices and guidance this year. Check out the following organisation for more: SDI Service Desk Certification programme which is racing away in acceptance as the best service desk improvement check list globally; itSMF leading the debate on how ITIL should adapt to the 8 C world; BSI and ISO seeking to update general customer service standards in the UK, Europe and further afield. 2013 will see all of these applied to achieve some degree of sense and consistency to our service delivery.
- Seminal Events 2012 – there were several game-changing initiatives kicked off in 2012. In addition to a considered and practical focus on the realities of ITIL at the established itSMF events in both Helsinki and London, SDI broke new ground. SDI had a magnificent customer HUG zone and pack at the SITS12 show at Earl’s Court in April, launched the Future of the Service Desk in June at the SDI Conference with the forward thinking Service Desk 2017 report, and led the efforts to put on the global, virtual TFT12 conference over 24 hours on 5 December! All of these things, added to the itsmTV Service Desk Inspector series, mean that SDI will continue to lead service management thinking in 2013.
- SDI VIP members – the cream of service desks were recognised by SDI in 2012 for the excellence they deliver to their customers. Organisations such as Logica, TNT, Heineken,, Kent and Leicester County Councils, Sodexo, O2 and Vocalink have all excelled in 2012. Apologies to those I may have missed out but in my view SDI members, and especially those that ‘get certified’, consistently demonstrate the best of service.
All of these points underpin the further drive in 2013 towards service roles leading in all organisations. We make a difference – every day. Make sure you keep your eye on the ball in 2013, and look forward to seeing you at the SDI Service Desk Certification workshop on 23 January in London!
Howard Kendall, Founder, SDI