Recently I was asked what I felt made an award winning service desk. The answer was simple.
Award winners do everyday things consistently well – always. In addition to that, they inevitably will do those things with a positive and personal buzz that is visible and felt by both colleagues and customers. They will also be regular innovators, continually coming up with new ideas that can add more value or benefits to their services or customers.
In addition to drilling down more thoroughly than any other awards process I know, the annual IT Service & Support Awards zone in on these areas to determine the really worthy winners every year. Each entry is also examined in line with the key areas of the incredibly rigorous SDI Service Desk Certification Standard, looking at the standards from ‘leadership and strategy’ through to ‘process and people’ to ‘customer feedback and performance results’.
I am positive this is what makes the IT Service & Support Awards so special. And, if you want to win and achieve the recognition and reward that results, you’re going to have to really work hard! We guarantee that the entry process will generate a positive team climate that will boost their esteem and value, pride and confidence.
Not only this, there is also all the positive promotion you will get as a result. Show your peers, colleagues, management and customers how good your service desk is.
Alongside the IT Service & Support Awards this year is the annual SDI Conference which will be the best value ever. If you can find such a great conference at a lower price let me know! We have taken note of the economics out there, and in turn done the best possible deals we could with our suppliers, to bring you a great price for this year’s event. What’s more the speaker line-up is great too! Rob England, also known as for his The IT Skeptic blog, is making this his first ever UK conference experience coming all the way from New Zealand! The supporting cast of keynotes, workshops and service desk case studies is one of the best line-ups ever with speakers from some amazing companies with top notch service desks such as Aviva, Barclays, Atos and Virgin Media to name just a few.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Howard Kendall
Founder of SDI